Finding the practitioner you can trust… (My IVF story)

Imagine that your IVF doctor conceived her babies through IVF. Would you feel more comfortable opening yourself to her? That was my case when I first met my IVF doctor. 

I was lost, anxious and hurt from a previous miscarriage (ectopic pregnancy) and everything was too overwhelming that I didn’t know where to even begin. At the age of 25, I had never expected that I would have to seek out fertility help but I was told that there's a 15% chance of having ectopic pregnancy again if I get pregnant naturally so I had no choice. 

During our first consultation my doctor told me that she conceived two babies with IVF! That was the point that felt like a huge stone was lifted off of my chest. I instantly knew that she was the one that I could openly talk to, rely on and completely trust. A person who has been through what I am about to go through... It was almost like having an older sibling who already dealt with SAT, college applications, etc giving you valuable tips on those because they know what it REALLY is like. 

As I was being guided by my wonderful IVF doctor, I got Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment as well. I took herbs and acupuncture and used all the knowledge that I learned at school and my years of practice. I knew the amazing effects of TCM and it helped so much that I got pregnant at the very first IVF attempt. 

Meeting my doctor completely has changed my point of view. Instead of thinking ‘miscarriage was already hard enough, why do I need to go through this hardship?’, I started affirming myself, ‘I can be someone like her to my patients since now I do understand better about this hardship not only physically but also emotionally.’ My passion for women’s health and fertility support grew so much that it became one of my most beloved specialties. If you are having fertility issues, I am here for you. I will listen, nod and do anything I can do to support you.

Here is some brief information about the benefits of acupuncture for fertility and IVF/IUI treatment. Please take a look and reach out to me at 425-202-5060 if you have health concerns.

Regular acupuncture treatment can 

  1. Balance your hormones.

  2. Increase blood flow to your uterus and ovaries.

  3. Improve the thickness of the endometrium lining for implantation.

  4. Reduce stress and provide relaxation.

  5. Promote regular period cycle and ovulation.

  6. Regulate AMH levels.


Mother’s wrist (Tenosynovitis)


My PCOS and Traditional Chinese Medicine