My PCOS and Traditional Chinese Medicine

I was only 16 when I was diagnosed with PCOS. My mother was concerned that my periods were very irregular (once every 4-5 months) so she took me to a local OBGYN. After several assessments including ultrasound, the doctor told me, “Well, you have PCOS.” I freaked out for a moment and asked what it is. Then she explained that there are many many cysts in my ovaries and she told me “It may be harder for you to get pregnant.” I remember giggling in my heart and thinking ‘ME? PREGNANT? NAH- there are no plans of getting pregnant whatsoever for at least 15 more years’. The doctor said my PCOS was different compared to the common type. The symptoms of PCOS include an irregular period, getting acne, weight gain, hair growth, etc but I didn’t have any of those issues except having an irregular period. Maybe that is why I didn’t take it seriously. She then prescribed birth control pills and told me I need to religiously take those so that my periods will become regular. I started taking the pills like I was told, then I got to experience all the side effects of it. Acne, weight gain, mood swing, abdominal cramps, nausea, etc. After struggling with the pills for about 4 months, I questioned myself, ‘Is it really worth taking these pills? I mean… there are pros of not having regular period. I do save money on pads. They are expensive! and who likes having periods anyway?’ I ditched the birth control pills in a heartbeat and found my inner peace. Also those side effects started go away. It was better. Way better.

Later on I studied more about PCOS while I was in medical school and I got to learn it was something more complicated than I naively thought. The fact that it affects 5-10% of U.S. women surprised me. It was that common!

If I could talk to my younger-self… I would tell her

  1. Having a regular period is so important!

  2. Ditching birth control pills is okay but start seeing an acupuncturist. Go the natural way!

  3. Surprise! You will get married at 23 and will face fertility issues at 24.

I struggled to get pregnant at the age of 24. I was shocked. 24 is very young! YES, it was PCOS that causes difficulty in conceiving. I wasn’t ovulating at all… I started receiving fertility treatments from both Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Now, having 2 baby boys in my belly and a day away from starting my 3rd trimester, I can for sure say that seeing fertility specialists from both Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine was the best decision I’ve made in my fertility journey. While I was taking medications and dealing with side effects, I had Traditional Chinese Medicine that I could rely on. Acupuncture and herbs helped me to not only regulate my period and balance hormones but also reduced nausea from the medications and decreased stress from the fertility struggles. Going through this hardship, I got to learn that I can help so many women out there who are struggling with symptoms of PCOS, side effects from birth control pills and infertility. I experienced with my own body and I truly do understand how hard it all can be. That is why I chose Women’s health as one of my specialties.

Here is some brief information about PCOS. Please do take a look and reach out to me if you have health concerns.

  1. What is PCOS? PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a very common female hormonal disorder and it causes enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. The cause of PCOS is still unknown but many experts think that genetics and high levels of androgens can cause PCOS. Androgens are usually thought of as ‘male hormones’ but all female bodies naturally make some amount of androgens. It is estimated that between 5-10% of U.S. women of reproductive age have PCOS.

  2. What are the symptoms of PCOS? Symptoms of PCOS include menstrual irregularity, excess hair growth (on the face and body), acne, obesity and infertility.

  3. How can Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine help with PCOS? Acupuncture and herbs can regulate your period cycle and reduce unpleasant PCOS symptoms such as acne and weight gain. It can also help you to balance your hormones. Getting regular acupuncture treatments can increase chances of conceiving naturally by regulating your period cycle and promoting ovulation. Acupuncture and herbs have been proven by many scientific researchers to improve IVF/IUI (fertility treatments) outcomes because it increases uterine blood flow, reduces stress and balances hormones. 

  4. How long does it take to see effects from Acupuncture? Treatment plans are unique to each patient and it can take about 3 to 6 months of regular acupuncture treatment of once or twice a week to see the results. Once the period becomes regular and unpleasant symptoms are reduced, often patients come in once a month for a tune up treatment to make sure those symptoms don’t come back.


Finding the practitioner you can trust… (My IVF story)


Vegan Chili!