Is acupuncture safe for children?

According to a large new study in the journal Pediatrics, the short answer is YES, in the hands of a trained practitioner!

There’s no minimum age to receive acupuncture treatments and acupuncturists can treat infants. For kids who are under 5 years old, I prefer to perform acupressure and meridian massage therapy since it may be harder for them to stay lying down for full 15 minutes to receive treatments. I have years of experiences with treating kids. They are as young as 1 year old to 17 years old for various of reasons such as constipation, headache, IBS, lower back pain, PMS, period cramp, anxiety, insomnia, etc…

Young patients can be nervous about acupuncture and that’s common and normal. I approach gently and calmly. I show and explain to them each and every move I make so there will be no unpleasant surprise. This way, they find the acupuncture treatment very relaxing and they are fascinated by the improvement of their health issues.

I am a mother of 2 boys. I am absolutely comfortable with treating them and adore kids!

Call me at (425) 202-5060 if your child need acupuncture treatments!


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