Antidepressants during hot weather

Hello, my dear Washington community. It has been very hot the last few days and I hope you all are doing ok.

I had to write this post for any of my dear patients who are taking antidepressants.

If you are taking Sertraline, Citalopram, Duloxetine, Fluoxetin, Mirtazipine or any other SNRI/SRRI you are more prone to overheating and dehydration. I’ve attached an article below, about ‘antidepressants during hot weather’. Please read closely if you or your loved one is taking antidepressants.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, heat can cause serious harm in the human body, such as dizziness, vision problems, fever, nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, heaviness in the body, loss of appetite, etc. If you are experiencing symptoms of heat exhaustion please seek immediate medical attention.

According to TCM theory, eating food that is cooling in nature can help with summer heat. Foods such as watermelon, lemon, apple, pineapple, summer squash, radish, zucchini, spinach, and cucumber are the top ‘cooling’ foods in TCM. Drinking mint tea or green tea may help as well.

Please stay safe in this heat. Stay in the shade, stay hydrated and wear sunscreen.

Call me at (425) 202-5060 if you have any questions.


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